
Hamburg's Female StartAperitivo semifinal showcased ten women-led startups with inspiring pitches.

The startups taking part in the competition covered a diverse range of topics, including women's health, low-code software development, and digital travel guides. Notable pitches included Everchange, addressing women's health with online courses, and Womatics, offering solutions for breastfeeding pain. The winner, TimeTeller, led by Prof. Dr. Angela Relógio, focuses on optimizing chemotherapy timing based on the body's internal clock. Whether TimeTeller can also prevail in the nationwide competition with startups and female founders from nine other German states will become clear on July 6. For tickets and more information please see TimeTeller vertritt Hamburg im Finale von Female StartAperitivo by Mathias Jäger.


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In an exclusive article by Larissa Tetsch for LaborJournal, a service magazine for medicine and biosciences, delve into the service that calculates the optimal timing for activities like eating, sleeping, exercising, and medication intake. Discover how TimeTeller is set to transform health and improve well-being. Read the full article here:  Alles zu seiner Zeit

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Great article that can be read here that answers questions like:

What makes our internal clock tick? What makes our cells and organs tick?

What happens when the circadian rhythm is disturbed?

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The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) has announced the nominees of its "Start-up Competition - Digital Innovations." Among them TimeTeller as one of the top applicants in the 2023 summer round.

The competition aims to identify and reward the most promising start-ups that leverage digital technologies to bring innovative solutions to the market. "Digital Innovations", which is held twice a year, offers participants an opportunity to showcase their groundbreaking ideas. Following phase one, the best participants move on to phase two, where they are selected as "nominees" and have the chance to refine and enhance their contributions based on the feedback received.  The winners of the competition are chosen by a jury composed of industry experts and influential figures in the start-up ecosystem.  All participants in phase two, benefit from the jury's feedback, which further aids their entrepreneurial journey.

For more information about the "Start-up Competition - Digital Innovations" and to stay updated on the latest winners and their innovative ideas, visit the official website of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

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Discover how TimeTeller, the latest venture from BIH Digital Health Accelerator, has developed a groundbreaking non-invasive method to determine your individual circadian rhythm. By analyzing saliva samples through a combination of experimental analysis and mathematical models, TimeTeller provides personalized recommendations for optimizing daily activities such as training, sleep, and medication intake. Find out how this technology aims to improve well-being, enhance medical treatments, and revolutionize the way we approach health. [Read more]

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Every individual has his or her own internal clock. It determines lifestyle to an important extent. Angela Relógio and her research group at Charité have developed a method for detecting the beat of the inner clock by saliva test. This could also help people who have cancer, she says.

Here the full interview with Prof. Dr. Angela Relógio.

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Check out the News article in the Berliner Zeitung - Zur falschen Zeit ins Bett? Neuartige Methode zur Bestimmung der inneren Uhr, Torsten Harmsen, 24.05.2023 on Berlin researchers that developed a method that anyone can use to determine: When is the right time for sleep, training and medication?

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The Berlin Institute of Health at Charité issued a press release acknowledging TimeTeller as one of its successful spin-offs in healthcare.

Check out the original sources linked down below:
Berlin Institute of Health - TimeTeller bestimmt die innere Uhr: Zehnte Ausgründung des BIH Digital Health Accelerator verrät den richtigen Zeitpunkt für Training, Schlaf und Medikamentengabe, Dr. Stefanie Seltmann, 23.05.2023.

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TimeTeller has announced the publication of a scientific article titled "TimeTeller for timing health: The potential of circadian medicine to improve performance, prevent disease and optimize treatment" in Frontiers in Digital Health ( The publication highlights the potential of circadian medicine in enhancing health and performance, and optimizing treatment timing.

In short:

Circadian medicine is the study of the effects of time on health and disease. The circadian clock, our endogenous time generating system, regulates behavioral, physiological, and cellular processes. Disruptions of the clock are linked to an increased risk of various diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

The lack of non-invasive tools for characterizing the circadian clock has limited the potential of circadian medicine. TimeTeller is a non-invasive molecular/digital tool for the characterization of circadian rhythms and prediction of daily routines, including treatment timing. By aligning an individual's circadian clock with optimal times for performing daily routines, physical and mental performance, and also the effectiveness of certain therapies can be improved.

The article suggests that the utility of TimeTeller can best be exploited in data-driven, personalized medicine use cases, using health information across lifestyle, care, and research settings. The potential of circadian medicine to improve performance, prevent disease, and optimize treatment is vast, and TimeTeller's innovative approach could help unlock its full potential.

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